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1. Recognize that you were made for these times

While I don’t believe that you have to do it all alone, or you are meant to face every challenge that comes to you as a lone island, I do believe that you were born in this body, in this time on earth, with this focus and this passion, this direction and drive for a reason.

There is nothing about your situation that is WRONG, and just about everything about your situation can be changed if you choose to make it so.

When you claim that power, reach out for support when needed, and choose what you’re ready to overhaul in your life/business/relationships/way of being, MORE IS POSSIBLE!

That’s Step #1: Get clear on where you are, and where you desire to go.

2. Know where the words are coming from

Something that stops many people from letting their work be shared, or choosing to be more visible is that they identify what’s coming to them, what they’re creating, or what they think/feel/believe as ‘theirs’.

What if none of it is yours?

What if you are channeling that shit from somewhere far more sentient, conscious and all powerful than you and your body can ever know?

What if you leaned into trusting that voice that bubbles up within you as your true knowing?

What if you let your heart’s truth be shared from a place of detachment, trust, and observation?

This is not to say that you don’t get credit now and then, but the humble success is all the more powerful when you recognize, it is something greater coming through. You’ll know when it is, it feels different.

So, Step #2: Lean into knowing that you know, trust yourself and listen…

3. BE BOLD on the way to CLARITY

I was talking with a client recently about not wanting to change their focus for fear of what other’s might think. I get that. We don’t want to seem flakey or wish-washy.

We want to build a brand that people recognize, that we can be known for, that makes a lightbulb go off when someone hears of a person with the problem we solve, so they can refer us immediately.

I get it. That’s worth having. AND it’s something that comes better AFTER we’ve done the exploring to get clear on who we really serve, how we love to help them, and what evidence has returned to us as the (holy shit) perfect (fucking) niche for us.

This is where the boldness comes in….

It’s not what you expect.

We have to BOLDLY go in the direction in front of us until the evidence overwhelmingly points us to pivot in a slightly new direction and then BOLDLY follow that.

There is no amount of cognition that leads to clarity. It’s action, experimentation, exploration and BOLD acts of claiming THIS NICHE RIGHT NOW, that leads to clarity on the slightly more specific and exact next thing.

What would boldly claiming your direction right now look like for you? How can you hang your hat and tell the world you’re open for business?

Step #3: Shout it from the rooftops, and let it guide you forward (even if the path turns)

4. Find your community

One of the only reasons I’m still in business, is because of the accountability and support I’ve had in a group of 5 other women business owners.

In the moments before I knew who I was, they saw who I was becoming. In the moments I was ready to quit, they reminded me of who I am. In the moments of my greatest successes, highest highs, and lowest lows, they championed me.


Find people who are doing the impossible thing you are wanting to do, and do it alongside them. It’s okay to be a ‘solopreneur’ if you recognize that NO ONE actually does it alone, and then resource yourself with a super juicy, generative, support tribe to do it with.

Your family, lover, and old friends can’t always hold this space for you. Many of them just don’t know how, because it’s a big thing to go BIG with your business and unless they’ve done that themselves, they probably have the same thoughts about it as your inner gremlins do.

When someone’s got your back, the fear of letting the world see you is more manageable. (Yes, I have your back if you need a tribe like this. Let me know.)

Step #4: Seek your peers, your support team, and your accountabilibuddies like it’s your job.

5. Do the inner work… to make space for your “Work” to have a life

As long as your work is your baby, your child, your kin, you are going to want to protect it from the world.

When you recognize that your work is it’s own being, a living creature that wants to know others, to be influential, to have impact, then you can begin to set it free to have a life of it’s own.

The “Haters gonna hate” is a reality. The more visible you get, the more flack you get from folks who can’t dream as big. Let that be a sign of it working, rather than a sign it’s time to cave in and quit.

Get intimate with your own inner GPS. Let that be the only checkpoint between you creating and you sharing your creations. Is this true from my perspective? Will it help people? YES x2? Then SHARE IT!

You are a leader. Be a leader that welcomes conflict, questioning and uses those as opportunities to strengthen and rise. (Your support team will be pivotal in your ability to handle this step.)

Step #5 – Do ‘The Work’, and feel free to check out Byron Katie’s “Work” if you haven’t already.

I love you.

I have your back.

Keep going.

You have SO got this.

xo Molly