Be you, Make it messy - Wild Hearts Rise Up
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There is a lot of pressure when you grow up to become some kind of “Professional.”

Have you felt it?

You’re expected to wear the right thing and get the right job and put on some show where you’re not a weird, messy, normal human being.

I had a really hard time imagining myself in this role…

Especially as I started to lead workshops and host events, I felt like someone was going to catch on that I’m actually a crazy hippy who often likes to live out of her car and travel around the world for no reason.
What does rainbow gypsy vagabond look like as a professional?

I’m realizing that it looks a lot like it did before.

Being “Professional” is only a new level of accepting who I am and confidently sharing myself with others.

What I’m noticing about how my peers and I are showing up (in videos, articles and workshops) is that the more of ourselves we bring, the more messiness, the more humanity and imperfection, the better the world responds to us, the easier it is to connect and the more impactful our work can be.

This is why reality television took off. People are enthralled in our humanness. Unfortunately a lot of reality T.V. is about obnoxious people playing out drama but what we can learn from it is that people want to see other people being human.

This is HUGE!

You don’t have to be perfect!

In fact, the world prefers you when you’re not!


Be yourself!

Stop worrying about how you need to behave or what you need to wear and show up with as much of yourself intact as possible.

That means stutters and mishaps, unfortunate camera angles and misspelled words.

Get it out there.

Share your work.

Share yourself.

And those who respond are the people you’re meant to be with.