Molly can help you bridge the gap between where you are now,
and where you want to be…
In Napoleon Hill’s classic, “Think and Grow Rich,” one of the key elements to great success is having an empowering support system. A team to rely on. A handful of people who believe in you, align with your mission and help you to realize your vision.
Having studied with masters, traveled the world and applied the great teachings to her own life, Molly Mandelberg is uniquely qualified to help launch you from where you are now, to the next level of your business. From a long line of teachers, writers and preachers, Molly has an unusual combination of spiritual/visionary and high tech/practical/business savvy. She is an artist, a globe trotter, a writer, a speaker, a facilitator and a leader.
Whether you are stuck in procrastination, confusion or things just aren’t moving fast enough for you toward your goals, having empowering, kickass support may be just what you need. From content and design through streamlined global delivery systems, Molly Mandelberg may be the answer you’ve been looking for.
Clear, practical steps. Polished, inspiring content. Access to the people who are looking for what you have to offer them. All of this with less stress, and more success. Stop feeling bad about the little things, or overwhelmed with the big vision. Get the help you need to boost you to the peak performance you know you are capable of.
“The Business Wayfinder” – Where else can you find a project manager, copywriter, online marketer, healer, organizational developer, cheerleader, blindspot navigator, and soul sister in one place?